Who is eligible for H-1B
Specialty Occupations.
Typically, companies file for individuals to come to the U.S. to perform services in specialty occupations.
Below are some key requirements you must meet to be classified as an H-1B Worker.
Typically, companies file for individuals to come to the U.S. to perform services in specialty occupations.
Below are some key requirements you must meet to be classified as an H-1B Worker.
- You must have an employer-employee relationship with the petitioning U.S. employer.
- Your job must qualify as a specialty occupation by meeting one of the following criteria
- A bachelor’s or higher degree, or its equivalent
- The degree requirement for the job is common to the industry or the job is so complex or unique that it can be performed only by an individual with at least a bachelor’s degree.
- The nature of the specific duties is so specialized and complex that the knowledge required to perform the duties is usually associated with the attainment of a bachelor's or higher degree.
- Your job must be in a specialty occupation related to your field of study.
- The petitioning employer must submit evidence that a labor condition application (LCA) has been certified by the U.S. Department of Labor.
- You must be paid at least the actual or prevailing wage for your occupation, whichever is higher.